Town of Penfield receives 2022 Mental Health and Well-Being Innovation Award
The Town of Penfield has been honored with the 2022 Mental Health and Well-Being Innovation Award presented by MVP Health Care.

Given to a select number of organizations, the award acknowledges the Town of Penfield for its implementation of well-being programs and strategies for employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Led by the Wellness Committee, and in cooperation with the Human Resources Department, various new initiatives and programs have been introduced over the past several years to enhance employee well-being. Most recently, the Wellness Committee rolled out its monthly wellness challenge program which encourages employees to take part in a healthy lifestyle for both mind and body. Monthly challenges encompass a variety of topics with the most recent focusing on healthy eating and heart health.

“The pandemic has impacted our employees in a variety of ways,” said Wellness Committee Lead Laura Sliker. “To help navigate this challenging time, we implemented a variety of wellness activities to make the employee workday a little brighter.”