Live Traps

Residents may borrow a Havahart®  live catch animal trap from Animal Control for one week during the months of April through September. Traps may be picked up and returned to the office by the residents on Saturdays ONLY, from 10:00 to 11:00 AM.

* A fully refundable $25 deposit (cash or check, checks are payable to the Town of Penfield) is required for this service. When an animal is trapped, residents are to call Animal Control; an officer will retrieve the trap and release the animal. If an animal is noticed in a trap after 8:00 PM any given night, please wait until the following day to call the office. In inclement weather, please give proper care to the animal by moving the trap to a sheltered area.

Animal Control will also retrieve privately owned live traps with captured animals, release the animal, and then return trap to its owner. Privately owned traps MUST contain the owner's full name, address and telephone number permanently attached to the trap.

*IMPORTANT NOTE: Each household is allowed up to five nuisance wildlife pickups per household per trapping season (April through September).  IT IS NOT LEGAL FOR GENERAL PUBLIC TO TRANSPORT WILDLIFE IN NEW YORK STATE unless that animal is injured and they are taking that animal directly to a licensed rehabilitator or veterinarian licensed to care for wildlife ONLY.

Animal Control does not manage wildlife unless an animal is sick, injured, or is aggressive. In general, wildlife should be left alone. Issues relating to wildlife should be directed to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation at 585-226-5380.