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Library of ThingsYou can check out a puzzle just like you would a book, put it together, take it apart, and return it - no muss, no fuss, no extra money or precious space being taken up in your home.

Hotspots will provide internet access to your mobile devices anywhere there's cellular coverage, so they come in very handy for road trips and times your internet at home konks out as you're trying to finish that last project by its deadline. Hotspots can be checked out for three weeks, are non-renewable, and accrue overdue fees of 35¢/day, so be sure to double-check your due dates!

The games section is a great place to grab a last-minute party/camping activity or try out that one game you've thought about buying for your collection but wanted to try out first. Three weeks is the initial loan period and they can be renewed if you want even more fun time in your life.

We've got lots more in the works for the Library of Things, but we'd love to hear suggestions from our patrons. If you have ideas of things you'd like to see added to the PPL Library of Things, let us know next time you stop in!