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Can't find the information you're looking for on this list of frequently asked questions? Call us at (585) 340-8720, and we'll be happy to help you with your inquiry!

Do you accept book donations?

Do you have Hoopla?

Can I reserve a library item?

Do you offer free computer and/or internet access?

For how long can I borrow materials?

I forgot to bring my library card with me to the library; can I still check out items?

I can't find my library card; how do I get a replacement?

I don't live in Monroe County; can I still get a library card?

How much are overdue fees for items that I return late?

What is a collection fee?

Can my account keep track of what items I've checked out in the past?

I think I've lost a library item; what happens now?

What happens if an item is returned with damage or missing a part?

Why is an item I returned still showing up on my account?

Does my library card expire?

What do I do if my address or phone number changes?