Penfield Town Court awarded JCAP grant for facility improvements

The Town of Penfield was recently awarded a grant through the Justice Court Assistance Program (JCAP) to complete renovations at the Penfield Town Court facility (1985 Baird Road). Town Justice James Mulley Jr. led efforts to obtain the grant funding with the Town receiving just under $18,000 in total.

Grant-funded improvements focused on updates to the meeting room in the facility which is used for several functions including jury selection, attorney-client meetings, and other court-related needs. Within the space, two small meeting rooms for private attorney-client meetings were constructed, and the paint was refreshed. Audio-visual system upgrades took place throughout the facility as well.

The JCAP grant was established in 1999 to provide town and village courts throughout the state with the necessary resources and equipment to fulfill their role in the justice system.

The Town of Penfield also purchased new carpeting for the facility for a further refresh. Former Penfield Town Attorney Dick Horwitz generously donated office furniture to be used in the newly renovated space.

Annually, Penfield Town Court resolves more than 6,000 cases consisting primarily of criminal matters, vehicle and traffic violations, civil proceedings, and small claims. For more information, visit