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How Curbside Pickup Works
Curbside Hours of Service
Monday-Thursday: 12:00-8:30 PM
Friday: 12:00-5:30 PM
Saturday-Sunday: None

How to Use Curbside Service
Submit a Request
Call (585) 340-8720 or use the form below ("Curbside Order Request") to submit a request for items to be picked up the same day no later than two hours before our curbside pickup service closes for the day. Please request no more than five items at a time, and make only one request per day to ensure all requests can be satisfied.

Pick Up Your Items
Because of limited capacity, please plan to pick up your requested items on the day you make the request, Monday through Friday only, or the next open day if the library is closed at the time of your request or if you’ve missed today’s submission deadline. No requests can be taken for same-day pickup on Monday-Thursday after 6:30 PM or Friday after 3:30 PM.

You may claim your items at any time during the specified hours of service that same day. Items not picked up will be returned to the shelves.

To pick up your requested items, call (585) 340-8720 and select option 3 from the phone menu for the Circulation Desk to let us know you are here to pick up your requested material. Proceed into the lobby of the Community Center and a staff member will meet you there with your items.

Curbside Order Request

Because of limited capacity, please plan to pick up your requested items on the day you make the request, Monday through Friday ONLY, or the next open day if the library is closed or you’ve missed today’s submission deadline. No requests can be taken for same-day pickup on Monday through Thursday after 6:30 PM or Friday after 3:30 PM.